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Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Birds and the Seeds

 When it starts to warm up in the Midwest, you can feel it in the air and see it in your neighborhood. Kids were riding bikes today, playing basketball and there were a lot of people at the garden center getting ready for the warm months to come. Lilia and Franky love seeing all of the birds in our backyard so I thought, what better way to bird watch than to get a bird feeder? I couldn't help but laugh at all of the "anti-squirrel" feeders at the garden center including a disc that would shoot any squirrel that tried to get on the feeder clear across the yard. It reminded me of our own squirrel corn cob spinner that we had attached to an oak tree growing up. That thing provided hours of entertainment that included flying gray fur balls soaring across the yard. Squirrels are pretty smart though and soon enough, they figured out how to eat the corn without flipping themselves into oblivion. Today we bought a very simple feeder so hopefully we aren't just feeding squirrels, but birds too. Otherwise, I see a corn cob spinner in my near future.


  1. Love Franky's boots- can't wait for the chipmunks to enjoy the cast off seeds
    Hope your children have happy memories of a bird feeder in their backyard

  2. The chipmunks! I didn't even think about that. Hmmm, I guess we'll see if they're expert climbers.
