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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Woldhuis Farms Sunrise Greenhouse

In keeping with what seems to be a plant themed week, I took another mini road trip to see the Woldhuis Farms 
Sunrise Greenhouse in Grant Park, IL. To say this greenhouse is huge would be an understatement. It is in fact, 7 acres of trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals, herbs, garden ornaments and pretty much anything garden related you can imagine. Sunrise even provides their customers with a map to help you find your way. Each aisle genuinely has its own "street" name such as Elm, Oak and Pear. At first, we got a little turned around (Yes, even with a map. Don't judge me.) However, the staff was extremely friendly and happy to point, or even walk, us in the right direction. Just when I thought the amount of beautiful plants was shocking, I saw the herb section. They have all of your typical herbs, but many which I had never even heard of. Root beer plant, basil amethyst and pineapple mint to name a few. One of the employees even demonstrated how to use some of the herbs as a natural mosquito repellent. Unfortunately, we were a little pressed for time so we didn't get to see every bit of the greenhouse. I did end up leaving with three pots of beautiful red dahlias as well as a turtle and a dragonfly ornament. Rest assured, I will definitely be back with more time and a lot of cargo space.

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