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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Bread and Butter

 The forecasters called for thunderstorms all day and they were right. Wind, hail and rain has been hitting us since this morning. Couldn't think of a  better day to bake my very first loaf(s) of bread! That's right. This mom has never baked bread before. I've made cupcakes and I try my hand at Christmas cookies every year, but that's about it. I'm no Betty Draper, but at least today I could pretend to be Betty Crocker. A couple of weeks ago I bought yeast, whole wheat flower and bread pans for this recipe and was just waiting for the perfect day for baking. I was a little nervous because the prep/bake time seemed awfully long compared to the basic cookies I was used to making. When all was said and done, it actually wasn't bad. This also was the perfect recipe for my little helper. It used simple ingredients for him to pour into the bowl and the best part...a giant dough ball! We kneaded the dough together and then the work was pretty much done. The rising and baking times were really what took up the brunt of the prep/bake time. The bread came out perfectly and it is delicious! I was planning on slicing the loaves and using them over the next week, but I doubt they will make it that long without getting devoured.  I let the loaves cool for an hour, but they were still slightly warm when Lilia came home. Rainy day + warm bread with butter = perfection.


  1. Love it! Nothing like the aroma of freshly baked bread on a rainy day. I'm sure this will make a wonderful memory for Franky. When he's older whenever he smells fresh bread he'll think of you!

  2. Aw, I hope so! When Lilia came home she said the whole house smelled delicious...even her room! :)
